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At Prego you get total transparency

We are an international company that also gets our products in internationally. It places high demands on both us and our partners, so you can be sure of a quality product made under proper conditions.

It requires total transparency throughout our supplier chain. And it requires us to decide on each part of our products - from the nose doups to the eyeglass itself. We need to know exactly how and under what conditions each part is manufactured so that we can guarantee you proper products made under proper conditions.

To ensure you as a consumer, our auditing of our supplier chain is alpha and omega. You need to know 100 %what you get and from where you get it. And we need to know that we can guarantee our products and that the production of them has taken into account both sustainability and the people at the factories.

At Prego you get good quality products. Products that last long and not just contribute to the rising buy-and-throw-away culture. So if you, like us, also believe that we all have to do ours to look after our land and each other, then you've come to the right place.

Sustainable sunglasses - Prego
Sustainable sunglasses - Prego

We use cotton-based acetate

We make bluelight glasses and sunglasses that lasts. They are made of acetate. We have chosen to produce our glasses in acetate as this material burdens our environment less than, for example, plastic does. You can read more about the difference between acetate and plastic and our sustainable sunglasses in our Often asked questions here.

Although our Acetate BlueLight glasses and sunglasses pollute less than plastic sunglasses, we still recommend that you hand over your prego glasses or sunglasses where you bought it.

Because when you hand over your old glasses, we make sure they can get new life by passing them on to view of the matter, which gives people in developing countries new vision and changes their lives. You can read more about View of the case here.

That way we can all stand together to look after the environment. And we believe that even the smallest things are useful if we all lift in bunch.